Saturday, 13 December 2014

Black & Yellow

Entering second floor... Look, this place suitable with my outfit's today...
i was combining my clothes on my closet, because the weather is quite hot, i choose to wore this top, and surely skirt... i am a skirt lover... #wink .
This motive skirt got my attention today, the basic color definitely touch my heart... Yellow...!
and, sneaker boots always accompany my step.. so comfort and make me look away from aunty look.. :p

 I was thinking which place i have to take, they have many gorgeous place to choose..
i went to the second floor, and ....

And YES!! this place is perfect for me since i love corner place..
comfort and away from disturbance ....

 So... happy having this place... At the time i visited Djoeroe Masak, this spot having nice light for me to take a picture...

And then...

I looked around, they have lots of nice ornaments on the wall... 

what else they have?

Hey.... beautiful view.. i wish having this design in my home...


 They put flowers around the handle.. so sweet...

And again, lovely design, may i have these all? 
wanna take them home.. He he he

 Look, look... they have this nice tree.. Aaaa... let it come home with me... 
Pleaseee... ^.^

Ok, Ok... stop here... let me order... i feel thirsty... 

The Menu is so nyum nyum and affordable...

I want to have something fresh.. since I've been looking around this second floor..

What should i drink...?
My Victory Spirit... Nyumii.. Taste it and you will feel having a spirit booster

 Do you want some?

No, i won't give it to you... Ha ha ha...

Chill... Chill...

 This couch is so comfort, they mix the color and motive perfectly!

And... i don't want to back home...
 Let me hiding here,,, He he he..

But, i know that i have to leave...
then.. i was stepping into first floor........ 

Since Christmas is in my December.. 
 Look what i found!!
Christmas Tree !!
Aaa... stop for a while, and let me freeze with it...

 I feel Christmas within my day... Smileee... ^_^


After reading my story, what else you've been waiting for?
Visit this gorgeous Cafe soon!

Love.. Love..


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